I admit I have taken a couple of them but I elect not to publish the results (not so people don't know the results, but so people don't know I have nothing better to do).
Heidi took the What engagment ring style fits your personality? quiz and the result is Non Traditional
You can't even believe you took this quiz!* You certainly don't want any of your friends to know that you did! You secretly love the idea of love and marriage, but maintain the calm, cool facade of the free spirited, independent woman. You enjoy being different and are not afraid for others to look at you. You want your ring to make a statement.
*Note the part I highlighted
who is making up these quizzes? while filling out the "what should your parents have named you?" quiz, one of the questions was:
5. How do you usually wear your hair?
- down and brushed
- up or down
- curled or straightened, whatever looks best that day
- long and straight
aren't those answers all basically the same? at that point I aborted mid-quiz.