Thursday, March 26, 2009

Define embrocation, please.

Is that like lubrication?
According to Wikipedia:
"Liniment, (or embrocation) from the Latin linere, to anoint, is a medicated topical preparation for application to the skin. Preparations of this type are also called balm. Liniments are of a similar viscosity to lotions (being significantly less viscous than an ointment or cream) but unlike a lotion a liniment is applied with friction; that is, a liniment is always rubbed in."
So, yeah. It is like lube.

It's also a cycling journal...
Embrocation Cycling Journal
...that Mona either loves or hates. It's difficult to determine from the look on her face.
Embrocation Cycling Journal

It was also a fun Monday night dance party where one party-goer was committed to getting low.
Embrocation Partee
Others were content to just chill.
Embrocation Partee
Wait a sec...I think I know where Mona learned to make the "I hate paparazzi." face.
Embrocation Partee
KG was upset he couldn't be there in person and sent his regards via press conference.
Embrocation Partee
A special thanks goes out to Mayhem for 1) killing it and 2) playing Lil Wayne.
Props to me for rapping all the words to "A Milli".
Embrocation Partee
Another special thanks to Cassidy for 1) being there, 2) being awesome and 3) being impressed with my rap skills.
One last special thanks to everyone who 1) was there, 2) made my night and 3) kept my ass off the blog. (Seriously. I think someone took a picture of my butt.)
Who knew the Middlesex could be fun?

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