Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tonight we're gonna party like it's 2009.

A successful evening of partying starts with your pre-game strategy. For an occasion like tonight, one should start considering outfit options at least 3 days in advance. This important creative outlet says a lot about you and the kind of experience you're going to make happen. I considered and even mentally accessorized a flashy strapless cutie to wear, but instead felt this sexy lady shirt would be more appropriate.
Step 1
6:43PM: I've brushed my teeth and washed, moisturized, plucked and powdered my face.
I know what you're thinking: it's January and 30 degrees outside with tons of snow on the ground. This girl must be crazy. I appreciate your concern, but the cold is no deterrent. Tights, socks, boots, bourbon and some secret layers will keep me warm to the core.
Step 2
7:18PM: Look what I found! An early evening snack. This type of beverage paired with a killer soundtrack create your pre-game's ambience. I recommend something that makes you feel on top of the world. I just finished Queen's Greatest Hits and am now moving on to the Pixies. Lil Wayne is also a personal favorite. Notorious B.I.G., too.
Step 3
8:27PM: Make-up is done. Hair's nearly there.
9:06PM: Done!
Fast forward to midnight...HAPPY NEW YEAR, YA'LL!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Babe Alert!

I haven't thought about Nico in a while. Something triggered my subconscious today and reminded me of her existence.
Chelsea Girl
In some ways, she reminds me of Edie Sedgwick - only a THOUSAND times cooler. And I still cannot get over how a person can look so sad and stern and pretty all at the same time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

That's what we said.

M: Hey, John likes cats, too!

H: I think John likes pussy.

M: (lolz)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Texts from Yesterday Morning

(Real talk, no shit.)

M: Dude. I think you're wearing my bra.

A: You're right. Weird. Well, sorry. My black bra should be in the same spot. We can switch later. Cool boob size, man.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

JP's Finest Sisters

Hosting Boston's hottest dance party. Seriously. It's gonna get real sweaty.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Indie girls are political

the ultimate stimulation in these hard times:
I was reminded of these Obama condoms when I saw him at the MLB All-Star Game last night. did you see him bro down in the locker room? that dude can hang (no pun intended).

he threw out the first pitch - I heard it was a strike.... the camera didn't follow the ball it just stayed on Barack waiting for his reaction to his pitch, which was a sweet fist pump.

(so he's athletic too...)

later Obama was in the booth with Buck & McCarver they asked him about his (adorable) White Sox Starter jacket he wore to the game in Cardinals Country. he said he wore it because he's a true White Sox fan, plus his wife thinks it's cute. BEST answer ever!

Obama is certainly the total package (no pun intended).

Friday, June 19, 2009